/ Requirements / Ranks

Ranks of Angels



This is the first of the nine ranks of Angels. There are no prerequisite requirements

Heavenly Host Basics:

Task 1. List the Ranks of Angels

  • a. Angels
  • b. Archangels
  • c. Principalities
  • d. Powers
  • e. Dominions
  • f. Virtues
  • g. Thrones
  • h. Cherubim
  • i. Seraphim

Task 2. Know the Motto

  • a. “Be Holy, for God is Holy” (Lev. 11:45)

Task 3. Know the Slogan

  • a. “Do Good to all” (Gal 6:10)


Task 4. Recite the Lord’s Prayer

  • a. See Appendix B – Common Orthodox Prayers

Task 5. Recite “O Heavenly King”

a. See Appendix B – Common Orthodox Prayers


Task 6. Do not eat before Liturgy

Task 7. Light a candle for the poor

Task 8. Give old clothes and/or toys to charity


Task 9. Read and discuss the story of Creation (Gen 1 & 2)

Task 10. Read and discuss the story of the Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Paradise (Gen 3)

Task 11. Read and discuss the story of Cain and Abel (Gen 4)

Task 12. Read and discuss the story of Jesus’ Birth (Luke 2:1-21)

Task 13. Read and discuss the story of Jesus’ Baptism (Mt 3:13-17)


Task 14. Do 1 of the Electives




Prerequisite: Achieve the rank of Angel




Accumulative: Knowledge gained in the lower ranks must be retained, and may be tested before advancement to higher ranks.


Repetitive: Some requirements, such as “Light a candle for the poor” are found in multiple ranks. These requirements must be repeated for each rank achieved.



Task 1. Recite “ It is truly meet”

  • a. See Appendix B – Common Orthodox Prayers

Task 2. Recite the Prayer to Your Guardian Angel

  • a. See Appendix B – Common Orthodox Prayers

Task 3. Recite the Jesus Prayer

  • a. See Appendix B – Common Orthodox Prayers


Task 4. No technology before Liturgy

Task 5. Light a candle for the poor

Task 6. Help with parish charities

Task 7. Give old clothes and/or toys to charity



Task 8. Read and discuss the story of Noah (Gen 6-9)

Task 9. Read and discuss the story of Jonah (Jonah 1-4)

Task 10. Read and discuss the story of the Three Holy Youths (Daniel 3)

Task 11. Read and discuss the story of the Wedding in Cana (Jn 2:1-12)

Task 12. Read and discuss the story of Christ’s resurrection (Mk 16)


Task 13. Do 1 of the Electives



Prerequisite: Achieve the rank of Archangel


Accumulative: Knowledge gained in the lower ranks must be retained, and may be tested before advancement to higher ranks.

Repetitive: Some requirements, such as “Light a candle for the poor” are found in multiple ranks. These requirements must be repeated for each rank achieved.

Task 1. Recite the Trisagion Prayers

  • a. See Appendix B – Common Orthodox Prayers


Task 2. Describe the reasons for fasting

Task 3. Describe the typical rules of fasting

Task 4. Describe the fasts of the Church

  • a. Annual Fasts
    • i. Lent
    • ii. Apostles Fast
    • iii. Dormition Fast
    • iv. Advent
  • b. Weekly Fasts
    • i. Wednesday
    • ii. Friday

Task 5. Light a candle for the poor
Task 6. Help with parish charities
Task 7. Give old clothes and/or toys to charity
Task 8. Read and discuss the stories of King David

  • a. David and Goliath (1Kgdms 17)
  • b. David and Saul (1Kgdms 24)

Task 9. Read and discuss the story of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10:25-37)
Task 10. Read and discuss the story of the Prodigal Son (Lk 15:11-32)

Task 11. Do 1 of the Electives



Prerequisite: Achieve the rank of Principality


Accumulative: Knowledge gained in the lower ranks must be retained, and may be tested before advancement to higher ranks.

Repetitive: Some requirements, such as “Light a candle for the poor” are found in multiple ranks. These requirements must be repeated for each rank achieved.

Task 1. Start saying a prayer before meals (or describe the prayers you already say).

  • a. For example:
    • i. Christ our God bless this food and drink of these thy servants for Thou art blessed and glorified now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Task 2. Recite the Nicene Creed

  • a. See Appendix B – Common Orthodox Prayers



Task 3. Begin to fast from dairy and/or meat on fast days.

  • a. Some families may vary their dietary fasting for a variety of reasons. Speak to your parents and Rector about your intended fasting practices.


Task 4. Light a candle for the poor
Task 5. Help with parish charities
Task 6. Give old clothes and/or toys to charity
Task 7. Begin to tithe (give 10%) on money that you might receive

  • a. From your allowance
  • b. From gifts you receive
  • c. From money you earn


Task 8. Read and discuss Malachi Chapter 3 (this discusses tithing)
Task 9. Read the Gospel of Mark

Service to others
Task 10. Clean up after yourself at parish meals

Task 11. Do 1 of the Electives



Prerequisite: Achieve the rank of Powers


Accumulative: Knowledge gained in the lower ranks must be retained, and may be tested before advancement to higher ranks.

Repetitive: Some requirements, such as “Light a candle for the poor” are found in multiple ranks. These requirements must be repeated for each rank achieved.

Task 1. Start saying prayers before bed (or describe the prayers you already say).

  • a. For example:
    • i. Into Thy hands, O Lord, I commend my soul and body. Do thou thyself bless me, have mercy upon me, and grant me life eternal. Amen

Task 2. Reduce the use of technology during the fasts.

Task 3. Light a candle for the poor
Task 4. Help with parish charities
Task 5. Give old clothes and/or toys to charity
Task 6. Begin to tithe (give 10%) on money that you might receive

  • a. From your allowance
  • b. From gifts you receive
  • c. From money you earn


Task 7. Read and discuss the Book of Genesis

  • a. In particular
    • i. Creation
    • ii. Expulsion from the garden
    • iii. Cain and Abel
    • iv. Noah
    • v. Tower of Babel
    • vi. Sodom and Gomorrah
    • vii. Abraham
    • viii. Isaac
    • ix. Jacob (Israel)
    • x. Joseph

Service to others
Task 1. Clean up after yourself at parish meals

Task 8. Do 1 of the Electives



Prerequisite: Achieve the rank of Virtues


Accumulative: Knowledge gained in the lower ranks must be retained, and may be tested before advancement to higher ranks.

Repetitive: Some requirements, such as “Light a candle for the poor” are found in multiple ranks. These requirements must be repeated for each rank achieved.

Task 1. Say morning prayers using a prayer book of your choice, for at least seven days in a row

  • i. There are many Orthodox prayer books available. Check with your parents and Rector for recommendations.

Task 2. Say evening prayers, using a prayer book of your choice, for at least seven days in a row

Task 3. Fast from dairy and meat during Lent

  • a. Some families may vary their dietary fasting for a variety of reasons. Speak to your parents and Rector about your intended fasting practices.


Task 4. Light a candle for the poor
Task 5. Help with parish charities
Task 6. Give old clothes and/or toys to charity
Task 7. Continue tithing (10%) on money that you might receive

  • a. From your allowance
  • b. From gifts you receive
  • c. From money you earn

Task 8. Read and discuss the Gospel of John

  • a. In particular
    • i. The parallel to Genesis (In the beginning…)
    • ii. Wedding in Cana
    • iii. Healing the royal official's son in Capernaum
    • iv. Healing the paralytic at Bethesda
    • v. Feeding the 5000
    • vi. Walking on water
    • vii. Healing the man blind from birth
    • viii. Resurrection

Service to others
Task 2. Clean up after yourself at parish meals
Task 3. Help the younger kids clean-up after themselves at parish meals

Task 4. Do 1 of the Elective



Prerequisite: Achieve the rank of Dominions


Accumulative: Knowledge gained in the lower ranks must be retained, and may be tested before advancement to higher ranks.

Repetitive: Some requirements, such as “Light a candle for the poor” are found in multiple ranks. These requirements must be repeated for each rank achieved.

Task 1. Recite the prayer before reading scripture – “Illumine our hearts…”

  • a. See Appendix B – Common Orthodox Prayers

Task 2. Fast from dairy and meat Wednesdays

  • a. Some families may vary their dietary fasting for a variety of reasons. Speak to your parents and Rector about your intended fasting practices.

Task 3. Light a candle for the poor
Task 4. Help with parish charities
Task 5. Give old clothes and/or toys to charity
Task 6. Continue tithing (10%) on money that you might receive

  • a. From your allowance
    b. From gifts you receive
    c. From money you earn

Task 7. Read and discuss the Book of Exodus

  • a. In particular
    • i. Moses
    • ii. Plagues of Egypt
    • iii. Israelites in the wilderness
    • iv. Quails and manna
    • v. Ten Commandments
    • vi. Golden Calf
    • vii. Tabernacle

Service to others
Task 8. Clean up after yourself at parish meals
Task 9. Help the younger kids clean-up after themselves at parish meals

Task 10. Do 1 of the Electives



Prerequisite: Achieve the rank of Thrones


Accumulative: Knowledge gained in the lower ranks must be retained, and may be tested before advancement to higher ranks.

Repetitive: Some requirements, such as “Light a candle for the poor” are found in multiple ranks. These requirements must be repeated for each rank achieved.

Task 1. Say two pre-Communion prayers
Task 2. Stay for the post-Communion prayers

  • a. This may be difficult during the church school year, but can be done in the summer months

Task 3. Fast from dairy and meat on Fridays

  • a. Some families may vary their dietary fasting for a variety of reasons. Speak to your parents and Rector about your intended fasting practices.

Task 4. Light a candle for the poor
Task 5. Help with parish charities
Task 6. Give old clothes and/or toys to charity
Task 7. Continue tithing (10%) on money that you might receive

  • a. From your allowance
  • b. From gifts you receive
  • c. From money you earn

Task 8. Read and discuss the Epistle to the Ephesians

Service to others
Task 9. Help with clean-up after a church meal

  • a. This may be difficult during the church school year, but can be done in the summer months or after church school is over

Task 10. Do 1 of the Electives



Prerequisite: Achieve the rank of Cherubim


Accumulative: Knowledge gained in the lower ranks must be retained, and may be tested before advancement to higher ranks.

Repetitive: Some requirements, such as “Light a candle for the poor” are found in multiple ranks. These requirements must be repeated for each rank achieved.

Task 1. Help read the post-Communion prayers

  • a. This may be difficult during the church school year, but can be done in the summer months

Task 2. Follow the fasts fully (to the best of your ability)

  • a. Some families may vary their dietary fasting for a variety of reasons. Speak to your parents and Rector about your intended fasting practices.

Task 3. Light a candle for the poor
Task 4. Help with parish charities
Task 5. Give old clothes and/or toys to charity
Task 6. Continue tithing (10%) on money that you might receive

  • a. From your allowance
  • b. From gifts you receive
  • c. From money you earn

Task 7. Read and discuss the Prophecy of Isaiah
Task 8. Read the OrthodoxWiki article on Isaiah (Isaiah - OrthodoxWiki)

Service to others
Task 9. Perform a church cleaning assignment for a week

  • a. You may need to ask your parents for help with this

Task 10. Do 1 of the Electives

Heavenly Host